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#Me Too is an virtual campaign that reveals the horrifying details of sexual harassment that people have gone through. With more people coming out of their shells to share cringe worthy tales of being violated it makes me wonder are people really safe anywhere. But what saddens me is even though I have seen a lot of males appreciating the campaign and supporting women there are still guys who think this is another “trying to be in limelight action by feminists”.
Something we all need to understand both men and women, it is really difficult to move on from the experience, so when women actually can come out to share their experience without feeling the pain of re-living the moment again, the least they deserve is your ridicule.
I have seen posts with people remembering their incidents going back to when they were 3 or 4 years old. This is both horrifying and scary which reminds that monsters lie among us.
It was morning. I was going to college. I got a seat in the ladies section of the bus. I was looking unmindfully out of the window, when the person sitting on the window seat got up. It was her stop and I was glad that I would finally get the coveted window seat. I turned around to make way for her to move out when I looked horridly. What I had previously imagined to be a bag/umbrella that was rubbing on my elbow was apparently a man’s penis. I shrank to the window seat too scared for words, meanwhile the man gave me a smirk and got off at the next stop. I didn’t attend the first class I was in the washroom.
No amount of washing, scrubbing could make me feel pure again. It was as if I was scarred for life. My request to all people if women are coming out to share their experiences please do not mock them. They are just trying to ease their pain and certainly not trying to convey that all men are same.
After that I grew vigilant and was always on lookout sometimes finding danger where there were none. With time I learnt to learn the language of eyes and I could easily spot out a molester in a crowd.
I have had lots of experiences…good, bad…evil but there is something I would like to share. For every men who try to touch women inappropriately there are 10 guys who try to lookout for us even if we are not related to them. I have had countless experiences when a guy gave up his seat in a crowded bus because they could sense discomfort in my face. And no they were not my friends, they were complete strangers and the only thing they got in return from me is a gratifying smile. So yes even if there are demons of people around..there are also good people.
I am a boy. So maybe I'm not the best person to speak about this topic. Yet there are some thoughts that I would like to share.
What I've repeatedly witnessed: An entire group of boys openly barking lewd comments about a girl's sexual body parts, in front of her, while she's walking in our college lobby (everyday recces scenario in college), intentionally touching/hitting woman's chest area or any other body part while walking in a crowded place such as Garba Grounds, Markets, Buses, Local Trains etc.
Also, the question of the girls' 'clothes & age' or anything else is irrelevant here. Because it happens to the woman of all ages, wearing all kinds of clothes, at any place (home, society, school, college, streets, basically any place where a normal woman spends her life. For example, one guy's touching backs of ladies wearing backless dresses, saris etc., shoots videos while doing it & uploads his talent on this virtual platform.
This trend is not at all to defame all men. If I have done/participated in even the smallest act of sexual harassment, I will feel ashamed after reading a post about it, because I'll realize that she's talking about me. If that's not the case, then my only reaction can be feeling sorry for all the woman. But if I feel defamed or disrespected after reading it, it's essentially my problem. This happens every time when a discussion about 'wrongful deeds done by a person from a particular gender/community/religion/profession' heats up. Some of the people from that gender/community/profession get offended. These people also come in the category of the people who actually defame all the people of that gender/community/profession while discussing it. Because both types of people just divert the entire point of the discussion, making the process of coming up with an actual conclusion and solution even more slower.
What I do know is shining light on a topic is the only way to foster change. That is exactly what #Metoo has accomplished.


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