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BY : Vinod Goswami

Why do experimenters use animals because they are sweet , because they are smart, because they are loyal, because they are forgiving and because they are trusting.the qualities we love in animals make them perfect victims.Right now, millions of the mice, rats , rabbits, primates, cats , dogs and other animals are locked inside cramped, barren cages in laboratories across the countries.All they can do is sit and wait in fear of the next terrifying and painful procedure that will be performed on them.

"They Suffer and Die Alone in Pain"

What I'm about to tell you about the sucks and there is really other way to put it that the badgers are caged and then killed just to make shaving brushes which are sold around the world. before their painful and terrifying deaths, badgers are kept alone in tiny cages where these social animals go crazy and bashed in the head with whatever is handy, even with the leg or chair. workers then cut their throats and leave them to die.Badgers can't live without their fur.Is your paint brush, makeup brush or shaving brush.

Worth This Much Suffering ?

When animals kills to survive, we call it wild and barbarous. But when we kill in a massive scale, we call it tradition, and we embrace it, because that we like to stimulate our taste buds. And the very few who questions tradition are taunted as mentally unstable. Guess what? We are the only species that raise life to kill it.                                                                          

"Monkey being punished for theft as crowds gather to cheer”

I saw this image on internet and the news written with it read :“This monkey was a notorious one. Used to do mischief, steal object, damaging pillows, attacking women and children, etc.Local people caught him with the help of a Madari. The monkey was aggressive, even tried to bite. They tied his hands, but kept on giving him foods and fruits.After keeping him in observation, they finally took him outside of the town and released him in the woods. Nobody harmed the monkey.”
I was thinking, what have we become. Horrible humanity.
When animals arrive at the slaughterhouses, many of them try to escape. they desperately want to live and they know what happens there. Cows from beef and dairy farms are all eventually killed and animals are often killed when they are conscious.All store bought beef comes from violent , bloody slaughterhouses. 

Animals also wants to live same as humans "
In farms fish are left to suffocate, until they killed and it's a common practice as many of the laws doesn't cover fishes. It looks like experience pain in the same way that birds and mammals do. so  if that;s the case and we extend birds and mammals welfare then logically why not fish ?. Every year we killes almost 3 trillion fish for food compared with 700 million land animals.
"It is the time to give these animals at least their basic rights to protect from the humans "

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