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The most Strange and Mysterious places in the world : An Unsolved Mystery

Friends, there are some mysterious places on earth all over the world .These Places are most weird and strange which are like mysteries and natural wonders, some of them have found answers to the mysteries. And some answers have not been received yet. However research is still going on to reach the final conclusion. In this post, I am telling you about some such place which is not less than a secret in itself and some of these unique and mysterious places have become Hot Spot for tourists.
Sokotra Island, Yemen

According to the Sokotra Islands, botanical scientists, one-third of the trees and plants found here are not found anywhere else.This can be called the weirdest place on earth. After reaching here, you will feel as if you have come to another planet. It has often been described as the most alien-looking place on Earth. It is a small island in Yemen between the Arabian and Indian Ocean. For many years people did not even know about it. Everything from trees and plants to animals and rocks is something that is not found anywhere else in the world. Trees look as if they are hanging in reverse. The island also has a population of about 44 thousand people. The traditions of these people are also strange. For illnesses and troubles, these people believe in ghosts only. However, gradually the people here are also connecting with the internet and modern technology because of the tourists coming here. But no one has the answer to why this place is so different and strange from the rest of the earth.
The aromatic substance called 'frankincense (frankincense), which collects the juice (which is red in color like blood) from the' Azhadaha Blood Tree 'found here was exported from here, hence the name of this island' Suk al -Katra '(Azdha blood drops market) was Socotra Island.
Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

You all must have heard about it. It is one of the most talked about mysterious places on earth. Like a triangle in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, this area is called the Bermuda Triangle which is also known as the Devil's Triangle. It is about 39,00,000 sq km. All ships and aircraft passing through this place suddenly disappear. There is no trace of these planes or ships and they suddenly disappear from the radar.
The American Navy believes that it is not a Bermuda triangle, and there is no such name in the American geographic names. Even after this, many such extraordinary things are mentioned about this place, which it is difficult to believe, however, even after all the research and investigation, the conclusion has not been reached that the ships finally disappeared. Why could not be detected Whether the sky was swallowed or the sea was taken, even in the event of an accident, the debris would have been received, these questions remain unanswered.
The first mention of the Bermuda Triangle was by Christopher Columbus. In his journals dated 11 October 1492, Columbus wrote that while passing some distance from that place, he saw strange lights dancing on the horizon. It seemed that there was a ball of fire in the sky and the compass which showed direction there started behaving strangely. Scientists also believe that there is something inside the earth due to which all the laws of nature fail here.
Mir Mines, Siberia

In Siberia, Russia, Mir Mines forces helicopters from above to drag them into the ground
In Siberia, Russia, it once used to be the largest diamond mines in the world. Once, 1 crore carat diamond was extracted from here every year. When the stock of diamonds was exhausted here, people noticed that this place has become strange. From the sky, it seems as if it is the navel of the earth. It can be called the largest man-made hole, its depth is about 1720 feet (525 meters) and the width is close to 3900 feet (1200 meters). After this, no fly zone was built over Mir Mines for safety reasons. Because the helicopter pilots had complained that as soon as the mir mines move, some force starts to drag them into the ground, this is due to a special flow of air which is natural, it can be easily seen on Google Map Huh.
Mir mines in Russia's Siberia pose a threat to overhead helicopters.
Nazca Drawings, Peru

Huge sketches made on earth are a collection of hundreds of sketches in an area spread over 80 km.
When viewed from the sky in the desert areas of southern Peru, there are giant images on the earth, or the lines are seen. It is as if a painter has made them on earth. When these pictures were seen for the first time, the entire world was stunned. The terrain, spread over an area of ​​more than 80 km, has a collection of hundreds of sketches - Nazca lines. In addition to the creatures like birds, monkeys etc. these lines also have many geometrical lines, including similar structures like triangle, quadrilateral etc. Local people believe that these lines are drawn by the Nazca Indians who lived here thousands of years ago. That is why they are called Nazca lines or Nazca drawings. They were first seen by airplanes in the 1920s. When seen from below, these lines seemed to be random lines tangled together. Some people consider them to be a sign of some religious ritual. The then civilization believed that the gods could see them from the sky. So some people say that maybe an alien might have made them. Their mystery remains intact for almost 96 years. What was it made for and who was it to be made, it was not known till date. These pictures made in thousands tell that they must have had some purpose.
Door to hell means hell's door, Turkmenistan

'Door of hell', fire has been burning for 50 years
The "Door to Hell" or Door of Hell, located in the village of Darvez in Turkmenistan, is a 70 percent area desert in Turkmenistan. Darveje is a Persian word which in Hindi means gate or door. A crater made in the earth and a blazing fire in that pit. This fire has been burning for almost 50 years now. The world knows it as the door of hell. This huge crater in the Karakuram Desert is actually born from a blast of natural gas inside the ground. This Desert area of ​​Darveje village is full of natural resources. In 1971, former Soviet Union scientists came to this Desert area to search for oil and gas. They chose this site near Drveje village for drilling. But shortly after the drilling started, this place collapsed and a 230-foot-wide and 65-feet deep crater (crater) was built here.
There was no mass loss in this accident, but a large amount of methane gas started coming out of this crater. Methane gas is a greenhouse gas that has an adverse effect on both the environment and humans. Therefore it was necessary to stop this methane gas from coming out. There were two options for this crater to be closed or this methane gas to be burned. The first method was very expensive and time consuming. So scientists adopted another method and set the crater on fire. He thought that in a few days all the methane gas would burn and the fire would go out automatically. But the scientists got the idea wrong and since then this pit has been continuously burning, you can guess how huge methane reserves are there at that place. Every year thousands of tourists from all over the world visit it.
Door to hell is not a secret, yet for scientists it is a mystery that when this fire that has been burning for almost 50 years will be extinguished.


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