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NTA UGC NET Previous Year Question Paper AUG 2024 21st Aug to 04th Sep 2024_Management


The total number of items sold by A on all the five days is 3600, then the difference between the number of items sold by A on Monday and Friday is:

1. 640




2. If the ratio of the number of items sold by B and C together on Thursday to the number of items sold by C and E together on the same day is 2: 1, then the number of items sold by C on Thursday is:





3. If the average number of items sold by D on Monday and Tuesday is 490, then the number of items sold by E on Friday is % more than the number of items sold by D on Monday.


2. 42.86



4. If the total numbers of items sold by A and B on all the five days is 4000, and 4400, respectively, then the number of items sold by B on Tuesday is ---------------% more than the number of items sold by A on Friday.



3. 32.25


5. If the number of items sold by C on Thursday is the average of the number of items sold by C on Wednesday and Friday, then the total number of items sold by C on all the five days is:





6. Identify the correct statement about the quantitative content analysis:

1. It can allow a certain amount of longitudinal analysis

2. It is an obtrusive method

3. It is a very rigid method

4. It is a reactive method

Identify the correct statement about the quantitative content analysis:

1. It can allow a certain amount of longitudinal analysis

2. It is an obtrusive method

3. It is a very rigid method

4. It is a reactive method

8. In computers, which of the following statements is true?

1. Data matrix printer is a type of non-impact printer

2. Laser printer is a type of impact printer

3. The resolution of a laser printer is measured in Megabits per second (Mbps)

4. Data matrix printers are noisy, low quality and slow in comparison to laser printers

9. "A line is composed of points. Points have no length. Therefore a line has no length." Which informal fallacy is committed in this statement?

1. Fallacy of composition

2. Equivocation

3. Hasty generalisation

4. Slippery slope

10. The context in which communication takes place is termed as

1. Historical background

2. Objectification

3. Environment

4. Mediasphere

11. Which of the following statements are true regarding the word 'God"?

A. It is meaningless

B. it is meaningful

C. The word God has no intension that could be its meaning.

D. In case of word 'God', there is an intension that is its meaning.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

1. B and D only

2. A and C only

3. A only

4. B only

12. A certain sum of money becomes 28800 in 2 years at 20% per annum of compound interest (Compounded annually). The sum of money is:

1. *24000

2. 22000

3. 21000

4. 20000



13. What was National Knowledge Commission’s recommendation for minimum gross enrolment ratio to be achieved in higher education by 2015?

1.5 percent

2. 10 percent

3. 15 percent

4. 20 percent

14. The Western Society considers communication as an instrument of-

1. Aggression

2. Separation

3. Covert operations

4. Human relationship

15. The criterion of 'dependendability' in qualitative research parallels which of the following criteria in quantitative research?

1. Objectivity

2. Internal validity

3. External validity

4. Reliability

16. A teacher assigns a video lecture for students to watch at home before coming to class. Next day in the class she engages students in 'hands-on' experimental activities. Which approach she used in this situation?

1. Problem solving

2. Collaborative learning

3. Flipped classroom

4. Personalized learning

17. According to Classical Indian School of Logic (Nyaya) the argument - "Sound is eternal because it is produced" is fallacious because:

1. The middle term instead of being pervaded by the presence of major term is pervaded by its absence.

2. The locus of the middle term is impossible.

3. The middle term instead of being pervaded by the absence of major term is pervaded by its presence.

4. It lacks any major term.

18. The transfer of learning from one situation to another situation that is conscious and effortful is known as -

1. Near transfer

2. High-road transfer

3. Low-road transfer

4. Far transfer

19. Temporary hardness in water is also known as:

1. Sulphate hardness

2. Nitrate hardness

3. Chloride hardness

4. Carbonate hardness

20. Which of the following are the functions of Indian Council of Social Science Research?

A. Encourage delinking of social sciences from natural sciences

B. Provide scholarship for research in social sciences.

C. Give financial support to institutional journals of research.

D. Promote social science research.

E. Blacklist non-performing social science institutions from time to time.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

1. A, B and C only

2. B, C and D only

3. C, D and E only

4. A, D and E only

21. A way of dealing with conflict in which people express their feelings, ask for what they want, say "no" to things they don't want, and act in their own best interests, is known as-

1. Aggressive style

2. Passive style

3. Assertive style

4. Manipulative style


22. In non-verbal communication, a symbol representing an object is known as -

1. Identify symbol

2. Explanatory symbol

3. Animated symbol

4. Concrete symbol

23. In the context of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi as wireless communication technologies, which of the following statements are true?

A. Bluetooth allows for short-range data transfer between electronic devices, whereas Wi-Fi allows electronic devices to connect to the Internet.

B. Bluetooth needs a direct line of sight for data transmission, whereas Wi-Fi does not need it. C. Bluetooth limits the number of devices that can connect at any one time, whereas Wi-Fi is open to more devices and more users.

D. Bluetooth does not need a direct line of sight for data transmission, where as Wi-Fi does need it.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

1. A and B only

2. B and C only

3. A, C and D only

4. A and C only

25. A security system used a camera to capture images of each person entering a gift shop. Each image taken requires 1 MB of storage. If the camera captures an image every 5 seconds over a 24-hour of period, how much storage is required?

1. 16.875 GB

2. 15.250 GB

3. 12.525 GB

4. 19.625 GB

26. Communication is continuously

1. Evolving

2. Negative

3. Stagnant

4. Subliminal

27. Arrange the following terms in order of increasing abstractness:

A. Alloy

B. Metal

C. Steel

D. Mineral

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

1. C, B, D, A

2. C, A, B, D

3. C, A, D, B

4. D, B, A, C

28. Which of the following is true about over fertile lake?

1. Nitrate level decreases

2. Depletion in algal productivity

3. Oxygen level increases

4. Quality of fishes produced is impaired.

31. The period between 1200 and 1764 AD was remarkable in India for the highest distinction attained by:

1. Popular literature

2. Vernacular literature

3. English literature

4. French literature.

32. Benefits of biodiesel over pertodiesel are:

A. Biodiesel contains virtually no sulfur

B. Biodiesel emits substantially lower carbon monoxide (CO)

C. Biodiesel is a better lubricant than petrodiesel.

D. Biodiesel emits significantly lower Oxides of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) than petrodiesel.

E. Particulate emission by biodiesel is much lower that that of petrodiesel.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

1. A, B, C, D only

2. B, C, D, E only

3. A, B, C, E only

4. A, B, D, E only

33. A school boy, travelling at 3 km/hr, reaches his school 28 minutes late but when he travels at 5 km/hr, he reachers his school 28 minutes early. What distance does he travel every day to reach the school?

1. 6 km

2. 8 km

3.7 km

4.9 km

34. One of the subjects taught at ancient Nalanda University was:

1. Astronomy

2. Chemistry

3. Metaphysics

4. Mathematics

35. 'Code numbers given to the religion of persons' is an example of data on which of the following scales of measurement?

1. Nominal

2. Ordinal

3. Interval

4. Ratio

37. There are three positive numbers. One third of the average of all the three numbers is 8 less than the value of the highest number. If the average of the lowest and the second lowest number is 8, then what is the highest number?




4. 12

38. Which of the following statement is logically equivalent to the statement - "No liquids are beverages."?

1. All non-bevarages are non-liquids

2. All liquids are non-beverages.

3. Some beverages are not liquids

4. No beverages are liquids.

39. Which of the following came as alternatives to chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) as refrigerants?

A. Hydrofluorocarbons

B. Perfluorocarbons

C. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons

D. Halons

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

1. A, B and C only

2. B, C and D only

3. B and D only

4. A and C only

40. The geometric mean of the number 9, 12 and 16 is:

1. 12.33

2. 11.66


4. 12.66

41. In a school, there were 1582 students and the ratio of the number of the boys and girls was 4:3. After few days, 30 girls joined the school but few boys left the school and as a result, the ratio of the boys and girls became 7: 6. The number of boys who left the school is?





42. Which of the following is correct chronological order of earliest to latest of different acts according to their year of enactment in India?

1. The Environment Protection Act, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act

2. Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, The Environment Protection Act, Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act

3. Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, The Environment Protection Act, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act

4. Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, The Environment Protection Act,

43. The belief that one can master a situation and produce positive outcomes is known as-

1. self-efficacy

2. self-esteem

3. self-actualization

4. self-regulation

44. Under the Universities Act of 1904, universities were given the authority to recognise:

1. School boards

2. Literacy missions

3. Elementary schools

4. Secondary schools

45.Which of the following statements about spreadsheet software (MS-EXCEL) are true?

A. Data in spreadsheets are always correct.

B. Spreadsheet software cannot draw bar graphs.

C. Spread sheet software automatically recalculates.

D. Some cells in a spreadsheet can be locked to prevent a user changing its contents.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

1. A and B only

2. C and D only

3. A and C only

4. B and D only


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions:

Until recently, little was known for certain about how the brain changes as children age and grow. Considerable progress is being made in charting developmental changes in the brain, although much is still unknown.

The number and size of the brain's nerve endings continue to grow at least until adolescence. Some of the brain's increase in size also is due to myelination, a process in which many cells of the brain and nervous system are covered with an insulating layer of fat cells. This increases the speed at which information travels through the nervous system. Myelination in the areas of the brain related to hand-eye co-ordination is not complete until about four years of age. Myelination in brain areas that are important in focusing attention is not complete until the end of the elementary school years. The implications for teaching are that the children will have more difficulty focusing their attention and maintaining it for very long in early childhood but their attention will improve as they move through the elementary school years. Even in elementary school and later, many educators believe occasional short breaks sustain children's energy and motivation to learn.

Another important aspect of the brain's development at the cellular level is the dramatic increase in connections between neurons (nerve cells).

Synapses are tiny gaps between neurons where connections between neurons are made. Researchers have discovered an interesting aspect of synaptic connections. Nearly twice as many of these connections are made than ever will be used.

The connections that are used become strengthened and will survive, while the unused ones will be replaced by other pathways or disappear.

46. Synapses are considered as:

1. Timely gaps between neurons where connections between neurons are made.

2. An element responsible for blood circulation in the brain

3. Large gaps between neurons where connections between neurons are made

47. One and only particle of the brain related to hand-eye-coordination.

The number and size of the brain's nerve endings continue to grow till:

1. Elementary school years

2. Early childhood

3. Adulthood

4. Adolescence

48. Which of the following facts about Myclination are correct?

A. It increases the speed at which information trevels through the nervous system. B. It is responsible for increase in size of the brain.

C. It is completed in all areas of the brain by age four. D. Knowledge about it dies not benefit us in any way.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

1. C and D only

2. B, C and D only

3. A and B only

4. A, C and D only

49. Which of the following facts regarding synaptic connections are correct?

A. Connections that are used are weakened.

B. Twice as many connections are made than ever will be used.

C. Unused connections either disappear or are replaced by other pathways. D. Connections that are used perish.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

1. A, B and D only

2. B and C only

3. A and D only

4. B, C and D only

50. As children grow their attention span focus

1. Remains static

2. Improves

3. Declines insignificantly

4. Declines significantly


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