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The Gold River : An Unsolved Mystery

SwarnaRekha River: Where Gold Flows in the Water 

The mystery behind Swarnarekha: the river of gold in Jharkhand

 Such a river where gold comes out with water, people around have been earning money for centuries. 

Many rivers flow in the country.These rivers have their own specialties.According to media reports, more than 400 small and big rivers flow in the country. But do you know that there is such a river in our country, which brings out gold along with the water.The local people daily filter the river water to extract gold and sell it and run it home.

Golden River: Gold flows in this river of Jharkhand, many families live through this.

Let us tell about this special river. Let us tell you that the name of this river is Swarna Rekha River. As the name of this river is, similarly gold also comes out of it. This river flows in Jharkhand. This river is the source of income for the local people living here. The people here daily go to the river bank and collect gold after filtering the water. In areas like Tamar and Saranda of Jharkhand, people have been doing the work of filtering gold from the river for centuries.

The origin of Swarn Rekha river is about 16 km from Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand. This river starts from Jharkhand and flows in West Bengal and Odisha. Another special thing about this river is that after leaving Jharkhand, this river does not mix with any other river, but goes directly into the Bay of Bengal.

You will be surprised to know that even after hundreds of years, scientists have not been able to know why gold flows in this river. That is, the gold of this river is still a mystery to the scientists. Scientists believe that this river moves through rocks and because of this gold particles come in it. However, this has not been confirmed yet.

Apart from this, particles of gold are also found in another river. This river is a tributary of the Golden Line. The name of this river is 'Karkari' river. People say about the Karkari river that some gold particles flow into this river from the golden line itself. The total length of the Swarna Rekha river is 474 km.

The task of extracting gold from this river is not easy.  People have to work hard all day here to collect gold.  A person here is able to collect 70 to 80 gold particles in a month.  That is, after working all day, usually a person is able to remove only one or two gold particles.  According to the local people, 80 to 100 rupees are earned by selling a single gold particle.  According to this, people are able to earn only 5 to 8 thousand rupees in a month.


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