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Chandrayaan-2: broken contact with 'Vikram' 2.1 km before lunar surface: An Overview

Chandrayaan-2: broken contact with 'Vikram' 2.1 km before lunar surface

ISRO headquarters lost contact with Chandrayaan-2 in the last few minutes. ISRO Chief K Sivan says that we lost contact with Vikram Lander 2.1 km before the lunar surface. Scientists are currently studying data.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has reached the ISRO Center in Bangalore to witness the success of the Chandrayaan-2 mission. He is also accompanied by 70 students selected through quiz competition. They have reached the ISRO's telemetry, tracking and command network to witness the landing. The PM congratulated the scientists before leaving for Bangalore. The PM said that people see the landing of Chandrayaan-2 and click the picture and tweet. The PM said, 130 crore Hindustani were waiting for this moment. India and the world will once again see the power of our scientists.
The world is waiting for this moment along with ISRO scientists. With this, India will become the first country in the world to reach the Moon's South Pole region. ISRO Chief K Sivan has said that the mission is proceeding according to the Chandrayaan plan. He has informed that the process of landing of Chandrayaan is going on at normal speed.

A few hours before the Chandrayaan 2 lander 'Vikram' proposed 'soft landing' on the moon, ISRO chairman K Sivan said that things are proceeding as planned for this much awaited landing. Sivan said that we are eagerly waiting for this (landing). Everything is going according to plan.

Difference between Chandrayaan-2 and Chandrayaan-1

Former ISRO scientist Nambi Narayanan said that if you compare Chandrayaan 2 with Chandrayaan 1, the basic difference is that here we are doing soft landing. The first landing was done with PSLV and here we are using GSLV Mk III. This means that we have far more payload capabilities than ever before.

ISRO has also informed about the live landing on its Twitter handle. It has been reported that Chandrayaan-2's live landing can be seen on ISRO's official YouTube channel. The YouTube channel will go live at 1:10 pm on September 7. Doordarshan will also give an opportunity to witness this historical moment. There will be live telecast on DD National Channel from 1 pm. Apart from this, the landing will also be broadcast live on the official YouTube channel of Doordarshan.

So 95 percent successful

The Vikram lander went on its trajectory, as planned, from a height of 35 km to 2 km in the moon's sky. All its systems and sensors were completely fine. The mission has so far met 90 to 95 percent of the objectives as per the standards for each stage set for success. Despite losing contact with the lander, we will continue to get a lot of information and data about the moon from the orbiter.

What will be the benefit from the mission?

The orbiter will now increase our understanding on the evolution of the Moon in the next few times. Will prepare its maps, assess minerals and explore the possibility of water at the poles of the moon. For this, eight scientific instruments have been installed in it.

Chandrayaan 2: Where is Vikram Lander on the moon, ISRO scientists found address, but no contact yet

Chandrayaan 2: ISRO chief K.Sivan informed on Sunday that the orbiter has located Vikram Lander. The orbiter has also taken a thermal image of the lander, but the orbiter could not get any contact with it. This information was given by ISRO chief while talking to news agency ANI. He said, 'The orbiter has found Vikram Lander. He has also taken a thermal image of the lander, but the orbiter could not get any contact with him. We are trying to establish contacts. Soon he will be contacted.


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