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What are Quantum Dots and what are they meant for you ? : An Overview 2019


Quantum dots are intriguing technology getting a lot of attention in this modern era because most of the TV makers like Samsung, LG and others are building LCD television to use QDs.

What are Quantum Dots? And what are they meant for you?

Quantum dots are tiny crystals also known as Nanocrystals that composed of Silicon, Cadmium Selenide, Cadmium Sulfide etc. They are very small to see but have a special power as when lights are shown on them they become luminous and give up a very precise color depending upon their size. The size of the QDs can be very finely tuned so that they give color whatever you want; QDs have optoelectronic properties to intermediate between bulk semiconductors and molecules that change as a function of yielding different colors depending upon the exact size of the dots. Quantum dots nanotechnology also minimizes the energy level of consumption and used in different fields like solar cells, pharmaceuticals industry, LEDs, Bioimaging, Diode Lasers etc.

Written by: Vinod Goswami Mail: Contact : 8755072430


  1. Thanks for giving us such a beautiful information...
    I only know about this topic only becoz u


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