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How to celebrate a " GREEN DIWALI " ?

Safe and Green Diwali : By Vinod Goswami

The formula for the "GO GREEN DIWALI " :- Green crackers have a chemical formulation that produces water molecules. The generation of water molecules with in the firecrackers mechanism acts as a dust suppressant. It absorbs particulate matter and significantly reduces Nitrous oxide and Sulphur Dioxide.Production starts once the Government's Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization approves the formulation. So it's light and sound system that produces low emissions.

No firecracker can be absolutely pollution free but many scientist at the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research ( CSIR) have arrived at formulations which may will be categorized as " Green Crackers" due to their sustainability  reduced emission levels and their ability to absorb dust.

Diwali is the festival of celebration and a beautiful season that is named as the ‘festival of light’ because it illuminates our lives with joy. It also symbolizes the triumph of good over evil, light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair.
The season today has also come to symbolize the bursting of loud and bright firecrackers. But this practice isn’t without consequence, and the pollution caused by the firecrackers, whether in the form of noise or air, is harmful to the environment.
This year, do the environment a favor and celebrate a clean and Green Diwali festival with these simple tips. 

To Celebrate the Go Green Diwali

Burst firecrackers, but smartly. Use only those firecrackers that do not cause noise pollution and cause minimal air pollution like anaar and chakris don’t cause much noise pollution but are higher on the air pollution. You may also try to convince your neighbors to limit plan out your firework usage and take initiative a few weeks in advance.

Celebrate through Candle , Diyas and Lanterns

Diyas have become the symbol of Diwali and these beacons of light are lovely, minimal, and cause almost no damage to the environment.They light up your home with their flame and warm your hearts.These all can also help in reducing your electricity bill.
Do Plan To Invest in Recyclable Products
When shopping for a Green Diwali, one should consciously buy products that are Recyclable or Eco-friendly.A lot of waste is usually generated during Diwali. You can make an effort to ensure that this is disposed of in a much more Eco-friendly way. Make an effort to segregate the waste into wet and dry, and try and recycle and reuse as much as you can.

 Did you know ?
Pollution levels go by 50-100 % during Diwali every year. so for that what you can do to tackle common problems during Diwali.
  • Burn Eco friendly crackers to avoid pollution.
  • light Diyas instead of electrical light to save power
  • burn less noisy firecrackers like Anars, Chakris, sparklers to prevent noise pollution.
  • invest in recyclable commodities
  • Don’t burn crackers.Instead, burn your EGO

May every candle that will be Lit on the evening of Diwali bring Joys and Prosperity for everyone.
#We wish you a Happy, Clean, and Green Diwali!   


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