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Showing posts from 2022

Nature or a Teacher : Nature revamping Life

  Drink water from the spring where horses drink. The horse will never drink bad water. Lay your bed where the cat sleeps. Eat the fruit that has been touched by a worm. Boldly pick the mushroom on which the insects sit. Plant the tree where the mole digs. Build your house where the snake sits to warm itself. Dig your fountain where the birds hide from heat. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time with the birds — you will reap all of the day’s golden grains. Eat more green — you will have strong legs and a resistant heart, like the beings of the forest. Swim often and you will feel on earth like the fish in the water. Look at the sky as often as possible and your thoughts will become light and clear. Be quiet a lot, speak little — and silence will come in your heart, and your spirit will be calm and full of peace. 

The Gold River : An Unsolved Mystery

SwarnaRekha River: Where Gold Flows in the Water  The mystery behind Swarnarekha: the river of gold in Jharkhand  Such a river where gold comes out with water, people around have been earning money for centuries.  Many rivers flow in the country.These rivers have their own specialties.According to media reports, more than 400 small and big rivers flow in the country. But do you know that there is such a river in our country, which brings out gold along with the water.The local people daily filter the river water to extract gold and sell it and run it home. Golden River: Gold flows in this river of Jharkhand, many families live through this. Let us tell about this special river. Let us tell you that the name of this river is Swarna Rekha River. As the name of this river is, similarly gold also comes out of it. This river flows in Jharkhand. This river is the source of income for the local people living here. The people here daily go to the river bank and collect gold after filtering