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Showing posts from November, 2018

How to celebrate a " GREEN DIWALI " ?

Safe and Green Diwali : By Vinod Goswami The formula for the " GO GREEN DIWALI " :- Green crackers have a chemical formulation that produces water molecules. The generation of water molecules with in the firecrackers mechanism acts as a dust suppressant. It absorbs particulate matter and significantly reduces Nitrous oxide and Sulphur Dioxide.Production starts once the Government's Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization approves the formulation. So it's light and sound system that produces low emissions. No firecracker can be absolutely pollution free but many scientist at the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research ( CSIR) have arrived at formulations which may will be categorized as " Green Crackers" due to their sustainability  reduced emission levels and their ability to absorb dust. Diwali is the festival of celebration and a beautiful season that is named as the ‘festival of light’ because it illuminates our lives w