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Showing posts from April, 2019
THERE IS SOMETHING " WRONG " WITH IT One day,  a thirsty crow flew in search of the water.For a long time he could not find anywhere. He felt very weak, almost lost all the hope. Suddenly crow saw a pot on the land . He flew straight down to it to see the water inside the pot. Probably, he could see some water inside the pot. The crow tried to push his head into the pot and started tried to drink the water but as the pot was too narrow it was out of their reach. The crow thought hard for a while and looking around it. He saw some pebbles and suddenly had a good idea. He start picking up the pebbles one by one and dropping each into the pot . As more and more pebbles filled the pot he assuming the water level to increase and then he will start drink, Here comes the suspense as you all are thinking that the water level will risen up and crow will drink the water and flew away. But in my story I will take it to the another move to make you all aware about the import
Reinsurance in India in the Tech Era:    IRDA has formulated the rules to ensure a level laying platform for foreign and Indian reinsurers. The purpose is to protect the interest of Indian firms, remedial measures and rules are drafted have been formed to streamline reinsurance operations in India. For the new entrants, reinsurance is called as insurance for insurers and basically a practice of protection for their balance sheets against paying hefty sum of claims because of large man made and natural causes. The reinsurance in India is on the brink of the technology oriented shift. The major areas to be focused includes Cloud Computing, Telematics, GPS, IoT, Big data analytics, Information Technology and the role of artificial intelligence. To embrace this rapid change the customers are becoming tech-savvy in this digital world. According to Global Insurance Digital Survey: This Tech Era of reinsurance has transformed the way that the companies and customers interact with eac